Watermelons, when developed in the same place year after year, attract pests and soil-borne illnesses. Nematodes, for instance, stay in infest water melon roots and the soil, killing or harming the plant. Grafting water melon plant shoots also referred to as scions, onto squash, gourd or pumpkin root-stock advances the the plant’s resistance to pests and these diseases. Grafting might also improve quality along with watermelon yield. The graft method is most home gardeners to to understand and easiest for newbies, even though grafted water melons require special treatment following the procedure.
Select one scion seedling that’s one gourd and at least one correct leaf, squash or pumpkin rootstock seedling with two or one leaves that are true.
Position a razor blade in the junction between the cotyledons of the rootstock’s. The cotyledons are following a seed germinates, the first leaves that appear.
Make an angled cut to eliminate the correct leaf at its expanding stage, along with one cotyledon.
Cut the scion around 1-inch below its cotyledons, with an angle.
Match the cut watermelon scion stem of the root stock.
Pinch the cut scion and rootstock as well as a clip that is grafting.
Plant the watermelon that is grafted seedling in a little container.
Heal the water melon seedling in a high-humidity atmosphere at around 77 degrees Fahrenheit. Humidity of 100% is best for recovery. Humidifier and a heating pad might be useful in providing the problems it wants for recovery to the seedling. Cover the seedling using a polyethylene tent.
Remove the water melon seedling after five times in the polyethylene tent.